Cut and Paste - Copy part of one image and place it into another one of your photos app for iPhone and iPad
Cut & Paste has two unique ways to crop your photos:
1. Select an exact portion of a photo and place it into another one of your images. Quickly & simply select a portion of one of your images and place it into another one of your photos. The cropping selection process can be more precise than is typically seen in a cropping app by adding more selection points. Check out the screen shots - images like these can be created in seconds.
2. Crop out a portion of a photo and create a new photo of just the selected portion. This is a great way to remove any unwanted portions of a photo or zoom into any portion of photo you love.
Latest reviews of Cut and Paste - Copy part of one image and place it into another one of your photos app for iPhone and iPad
0 stars is more like it!
Are you kidding me? Maybe if I wanted to edit blocks it would be ok. Literally the worst app Ive ever used.
As above.
Its crap!!
I need my money back!
Bad app
This app was unprofessional looking. It did not work the way it was supposed to and when using a white background picture the dots still remained white making them impossible to see. Also the picture still cropped as a square. Defiantly not with $.99! Do not buy this app until further updates are reprimanded!
Cut and paste
Thisapp does not work. The link for support leads to a site with advertisement to web site building services, with no indication that it is at all related to the app.
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